
Useless Trivia of the Day...

* Goldfish have the attention span of about 3 seconds.

* Daddy longlegs are not spiders and do not bite.

* Women eat more hotdogs than men do.

* American car horns beep in the tone of F.

* Cows are among the gassiest animals on earth.

Happy Wednesday!

1 comment:

Jenni said...

Ah, how I do love to answer your trivia questions! Technically, there are 3 'thing-ees' people often refer to as Daddy Long-legs. One of those is a true spider--the Pholcus phalangioides and is what we commonly see in OK. The crane fly, an insect that resembles a mosquito, is sometimes mistaken for the Daddy Long-legs. And finally the harvestmen, which are in the arachnid family though are not spiders, have been called DL as well. So, to answer your question, technically the REAL DL is a spider. But it does not bite!