
Here, Kitty, Kitty!

You ever notice how when you pour food into a cat’s bowl they come running? No matter where they are in the house, when they hear that food hit the bowl they make a beeline for the feast.

Funny thing…

At my office we keep a big bowl up front filled with candy all year. Sometimes Jane will put those peppermint patty things in there and sometimes, it’s peanut M&Ms. I noticed something interesting the other day … when Jane poured a fresh bag of peanut M&Ms into the glass bowl, it made the “tink” sound like cat food in a bowl. The men came out of their offices like cats to a feeding frenzy. I’m not even sure they realized they were doing it, but man it sure was funny.

All I could picture were the men running to the bowl for their treat…kept me laughing all afternoon.

1 comment:

Linda said...

BWHAHAHAH! What a funny post Jen!