
Helluva Saturday

I am feeling much better and it was a gorgeous day in the land of Oklahoma!

I started my new volunteer gig today helping out at the Edmond Historic Schoolhouse [...
Oklahoma's First Territorial Schoolhouse was completed in August of 1889. Now over a hundred years later the Edmond Historic Preservation Trust has restored the school to its original state. Open to the public the first two Saturdays of each month from 1-4 and by appoinement...]. I am officially a volunteer with the Edmond Historical Society and Museum. I was supposed to volunteer with the regular docent but she was out of town. So it turns out I met up with the President of EHSM!! His name is Cameron and he is so cool...I learned a lot about the museum, the society, the Schoolhouse and Edmond in general. It was a sunny day in Edmond so we had a lot of visitors. I plan to get even more involved as they need the help. There may even be a spot on the Board for yours truly! How cool is that?? Getting involved in volunteering was one of the best things I have done this year (or ever). I met some amazing people (including Cameron's daughter and wife).

Mom, Dad and Grandma picked me up after we closed the Schoolhouse at 4:00 and we went to dinner! I felt like I hadn't seen them in a long time...it was nice to catch up. After they dropped me off I hit the office to get a few things done (I KNEW there would be a pile of stuff on my desk). Then I got some groceries (including a trashy magazine for fun) and came home to get some studying done (Business Law exam next week). I also whipped up some of these for dinner tomorrow and during the week.

All in all it was a helluva Saturday! :)

1 comment:

Linda said...

We had a great time too! :)