
Gimme a T-R-A-M-P! What's that spell?

Check out Lohan. She is promoting her new line of leggings. Classy, no?
Why can't this girl just go away??!! Other than Mean Girls (which I love) she has had very little success (have you seen I Know Who Killed Me? Don't). Obviously this chick irks me. And who in their right mind would wear something like this??????

Gross. Blech. Ick.

You ARE the weakest link. Goodbye.


What a Dish! said...

I'm frightened!

Linda said...

I'm pathetic, because I watched the video of her and the gal she worked with on her fashion show. All the fawning that goes on--amazing.

Hopefully some day she will grow up. After all, it happened to Britney ;)