
End-of-year goals

I'm sitting at my desk at work, eating some awful canned soup I found in my desk, and thought I would jot down some goals for the last 1 1/2 months of 2009. It's currently 41 degrees outside and I have no desire to venture out there for anything (like a decent lunch). I am finally feeling better after being sick for 4-5 days. I always get this same sinus/throat/chest infection this time of year...this time it took a Z-pak, Mucinex D, cough syrup and plenty of sleep to make it go away! I woke up yesterday feeling human again, although this cough may stick around for a few more days. I am feeling very productive and thoughtful today...what this really means is that I am in my typical "list-making" mood. Making lists makes me happy. Crossing things off the lists makes me even more happy. Yes, this is a little OCD.

So, here are a few small goals for the next 30-45 days:

1) Create a tangible, reasonable budget that allows for bill payment + small savings.

2) Totally clean the house. This includes carpet cleaning, baseboard wiping, wood floor polishing, all bedding and blankets washed, kitty box biohazzard'ed disinfected, and kitchen and utility floor mopped.

3) Summer clothes boxed; winter clothes pressed and ready.

4) Boxes of old clothes to Goodwill (there are about 3 large boxes since I lost weight).

5) Christmas gift budget/ideas for gifts

6) Garage sale?? I've been needing to have one--so much "stuff" and I know I could make a few bucks. Schedule a Saturday.

7) Clean out garage for said garage sale--it's a pit.

8) Mow last time and bag all leaves (my entire backyard is blanketed with so many leaves--it's what I get for having 3 large oak trees).

9) Organize the study (which has been clean for 3 straight months!). What can be boxed, stored, sold, given away...clothes, electronics, linens, purses, bags.

10) Make room in the study to add Grandma's dresser and to do yoga.

Whew! I feel better having gotten those things down and in print. Now, all I have to do is get started...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have always been the queen of list-making. ;)

Here is my list:
1) Our baseboards need cleaning, if you're really into it. ;)
2) I'll take some of your leaves for my composter.
3) How about we draw names for Christmas?