
Warning! Fattening recipe ahead...

These little devils are da bomb. I'm usually not a big fan of the salty and sweet combination but these are so simple and yummy. They remind me of middle school when I would eat Nutty Bars for lunch (and not gain an ounce--those were the days!)

Jen's Ritz Blitz Cracker Cookies

Ritz crackers
Creamy peanut butter (I am NOT a crunchy fan)
Chocolate candy coating (Chocolate Almond Bark works best in my opinion, although it contains vegetable fats instead of cocoa butter, plus it has many additives)

Make the cracker and peanut butter sandwiches and use more peanut butter than you think you need (can you HAVE too much peanut butter??) Melt the chocolate. Of course you may use a double boiler, but it works so much better in the microwave. The chocolate gets hotter, stays
hotter, and melts better. Just be sure to heat it in increments so it doesn't burn.

Drop the cracker and peanut butter sandwiches one at a time into the melted chocolate. Use a fork to stir around and coat each one. Place each coated sandwich on wax paper to cool.

I've heard some people like to freeze them but I think they taste amazing the next day. You could also try adding marshmallow cream to the mix--coat one side of a Ritz with peanut butter and the other one with marshmallow cream.

Note: These are not healthy at all. At all. You've been warned...

1 comment:

Linda said...

Oh the marshmallow sounds good! So are you bringing these on Christmas? ;)