

Who's been sick for basically the last 2 weeks?? Moi.

Last week was 2 ear infections and a throat infection. This weekend I hurt my back. And by Tuesday of this week I came down with the mother of all stomach bugs. Seriously, folks, you do not want to contract this horrid illness. It's not a 24-hour bug. It's not even a 48-hour bug. It's an at least 4-day, praying to the porcelain gods, sleeping 16 hours a day, and feeling sorry for yourself because nothing is on daytime TV kind of bug. I tried to come in the office on Wednesday but the Bossman literally told me to go home. He was nice about it (after all, he had it last week) but everyone steered clear of me for sure!

Anyhoozlebees, I am finally back and work and have never been so happy to sit in my office and chat with coworkers. Despite being behind at work and feeling nervous about catching up on school stuff, I am so glad it's over.

I'm planning on posting a much less gross post for tonight about the race last weekend and other stuff. It's time to get back on the blog roll!!

1 comment:

Linda said...

Glad you're feeling better!!

Still laughing at "Anyhoozlebees" :))