
You know you're a runner when...

* You're first thought when you look at the weekly weather forecast is, "When can I fit in my runs?"
(In Oklahoma--when will it NOT be 98 degrees or 50-mph winds??)

* Your watch face is bigger than your iPod.
(But I could not LIVE without my Garmin 305!)

* You have more running clothes than regular clothes in the laundry pile.
(And it's stinkier...ew) 

* You no longer make fun of fanny packers because your running belt looks similar to one.
(All the cool kids wear running belts)

* The salespeople at your local running shop know you by name.
(Hi, Brooke and James at Elite Feet in Edmond!!)

* You know how to take a cup of water from a race water stop without choking or spilling it.
(I learned this the hard way)

* At least one of your website usernames or email addresses has the word "run" or "runner" in it.
(Does "ezjogger" count??)

* You own more pairs of running socks than dress socks.
(And I lose more running socks in the "Dryer Abyss" than any other form of clothing)

* Your Facebook updates frequently involve running.
(Frequently? Daily. I know all of my friends are sick of hearing about it!!)

* When you hear PR you automatically think "personal record" and not "public relations."
(What the heck is public relations??)

* You have running clothes and an extra pair of running shoes in your car, "just in case."
(You never know when you'll want to just GO.)

* Your holiday wish list can be fulfilled at any running or sporting goods store.
(Santa? This one is for you...)

* You get excited when the new Runner's World comes in the mail.
(Honestly. I read it cover-to-cover in one sitting)

* You always have your next race on the calendar.
(And on my blog)

* Your runs are sometimes longer than your commute to work or school.
(Longest run so far: 6 miles. Commute to work round trip: <5 miles)

* Your body aches but you're thinking about that next run.
(We runners are gluttons for punishment)

* You've lost a toenail and you tell people, "It's not that bad."
(And I've stopped getting pedicures. I'm not into running for the glamour)

* You apply medical tape or lube to various parts of your body and it seems perfectly normal.
(I've become an expert at strategically applying tape, moleskin, and body glide)

* You are confident you could escape from Houdini's straight jacket because it is probably easier than getting out of a sweaty running bra.
(This one speaks for itself...)

I may not run a 7-minute mile or even a 10-minute mile...but I am A RUNNER. I may not run marathons or average 30 miles a week...but I am A RUNNER.

I am A RUNNER because I say I am.
And no one can tell me I'm not.

1 comment:

Linda said...

And you know you're a runner's Mom when you plan your family time around "the run" ;)