
Pity! Party of One! You're table is ready!

Last night's workout was 1 solid hour of upper body weight training. CANNOT.MOVE.ARMS.ABOVE.HEAD.

Note: Since hitting the age of 30 and gaining upwards of 70 pounds (of which 40 I have lost and kept off), I have no upper body strength.

Sure, I played softball, volleyball, and basketball throughout my youth. Sure, I can still throw a football like no other chick you have ever seen (my big bro is proud of this). Sure, I can help my dad move big, heavy items when he needs help. I am strong woman...hear me roar! *beats chest*

But I'll be damned if those stupid skull crushers don't have my arms shaking every time Mike the Trainer forces them upon me. And when we hit the chest press or incline press, just call me a girlie-man and let me go home. After a few groans and muttering some 'bad' words to Mike, I completed the workout, red-faced and stinky. I barely managed to drive myself home because my arms felt like lead. Tonight I hit the trails for another 3-miler. Welcome back, Super Jenni.

Workout: Upper body, weights
Duration: 1 hour
Calories burned: Approximately 4 Shiner beers

1 comment:

Linda said...

You are a wild woman. :) (That I admire.)