
Everything changes...

...if you want it to! Some exciting things are going on in my life right now. Stay tuned for some news maybe later this week...

In the meantime, I've been chugging along this summer with work, school, and trying to keep up with running. It's been tough...I am NOT a morning person and miss my evening runs so much. But the heat is sweltering as usual and it's not safe to run later in the day. I have not been successful at getting up at the crack of dawn to run, and I LONG for it! And, after about a month of eating more than I should with less activity, I have gained a good 5 pounds. But I am back to eating several smaller meals a day with lots of yummy fresh fruit and veggies. I feel SO much better when I eat this way! I've discovered a new love in the snack department--Atheno's Roasted Red Pepper hummus. Excellent with pita chips!!!!!!

All in all, things are going well. Just been pondering some possible life changes...

I came up with a new quote to match what I'm feeling lately:

"Sometimes God doesn't necessarily close a door before he opens a window and you're left with 2 choices...it's up to YOU to find the strength and make the right decision."

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