
168 Reasons to Run

Last Sunday I ran the Oklahoma City Memorial 5K race. It was a beautiful morning and although I did not set a PR (I blame it on being sick the week before) I had a really good time. I got a sweet medal and enjoyed watching the sun rise over my favorite city. The race celebrated its 10th anniversary and just keeps getting bigger and better! I can't wait until next year--I'm pretty sure I'll be running that half-marathon!

The Friday before the race, I took the afternoon off to pick up my race packet at the OKC Memorial Expo downtown. Then Mom, Dad, Grandma, and I explored the Oklahoma City National Memorial. We were truly blessed to experience the occasion on such a glorious afternoon. None of us had visited before and we were so impressed. The grounds are beautiful and simple and touching...a real tribute. We read through the information packet as we walked and were amazed to learn so many things we didn't know. Of course, I forgot to put new batteries in my camera (duh) and had to take a few pics with my Blackberry. But I am planning on going back very soon to take some great photos.

The thought and care that went into such a memorial blew my mind. And the fact that the memorial is maintained by the National Park Service makes me smile. This means that all funds generated are through the Museum admission fees, private fundraising campaigns, and the Memorial Marathon race. We didn't have time to visit the Museum but plan on doing so in a few months.

One of the first questions I asked my dad was the meaning of the two walls...they each stand on opposite sides of the reflecting pool. One reads "9:01" and the other "9:03." When Mom finally read aloud what it meant we both got goosebumps. Here is what the brochure says:

"These monumental twin gates frame the moment of destruction--9:02 a.m.--and mark the formal entrances to the Memorial. The East Gate represents 9:01 a.m. on April 19, and the innocence of the city before the attack. The West Gate represents 9:03 a.m., the moment we were changed forever, and the hope that came from the horror in the moments and days following the bombing."

Dad and I wandered over to the Field of Empty Chairs and I almost broke down when I realized there were tiny chairs--for the 19 children who died that day. I noticed how the chairs were placed in a particular order and Dad read that there are 9 rows of chairs that represent the 9 floors of the Murrah building. Each chair, engraved with the names of those lost, represents the area of the building where that particular person was that day. We plan to return at night when the bases of each chair light up as "beacons of hope." The field is surrounded by a perimeter of granite sidewalks--the granite was actually salvaged from the Murrah Plaza.

Another simple yet powerful symbol of the Memorial is the Survivor Tree.

It is a huge American Elm tree. The message near the tree says:

"The spirit of this city and this nation will not be defeated; our deeply rooted faith sustains us."

The inscription encircling the tree reads:

"To the courageous and caring who responded from near and far, we offer our eternal gratitude."

Again, I am getting goosebumps just typing this! I am an Okie, born and bred...to visit the Memorial as an American is heartbreaking; to visit as a native Oklahoman is overwhelming.

There are pieces of the original Murrah building all around the Memorial. You can see where the concrete has been broken, with steel rebar sticking out. It makes it all so incredibly real.

When I finished the race on Sunday morning, I had to walk back to my car parked in a lot a few blocks away. I was thinking about the race and how unhappy I was with my time, when I realized I was walking right by the Memorial. There weren't any visitors and all was quiet. I was reminded why I ran that race...168 people lost their lives 15 years ago. And even though my heart hurt, I held my head a little higher.



Who's been sick for basically the last 2 weeks?? Moi.

Last week was 2 ear infections and a throat infection. This weekend I hurt my back. And by Tuesday of this week I came down with the mother of all stomach bugs. Seriously, folks, you do not want to contract this horrid illness. It's not a 24-hour bug. It's not even a 48-hour bug. It's an at least 4-day, praying to the porcelain gods, sleeping 16 hours a day, and feeling sorry for yourself because nothing is on daytime TV kind of bug. I tried to come in the office on Wednesday but the Bossman literally told me to go home. He was nice about it (after all, he had it last week) but everyone steered clear of me for sure!

Anyhoozlebees, I am finally back and work and have never been so happy to sit in my office and chat with coworkers. Despite being behind at work and feeling nervous about catching up on school stuff, I am so glad it's over.

I'm planning on posting a much less gross post for tonight about the race last weekend and other stuff. It's time to get back on the blog roll!!


A change in plans

The last few weeks have been quiet around here! My poor blog has been neglected and thrown on the back burner. Why you ask? Sleep, study, eat, work, run, repeat. That's where you'll find me!

An announcement: I will not be running the OKC Memorial Half Marathon as originally planned. I didn't technically start my training early enough and honestly I just wasn't feeling it. A few weeks ago (Good Friday to be exact) I made the tough decision to push back my 1/2 marathon goal. It really was a tough decision...the 2 weeks before I started to get so nervous, doubting myself during every run. I found that I wasn't enjoying it anymore and was merely training. On some training runs I would hit 4 miles and think "There is no way I can finish 13.1 miles in a month." A lot of self-doubt and self-sabotage talk going on inside this head of mine. But once I made the decision to wait a few more months, I began to ENJOY my running again!! It was like a weight had lifted off of my shoulders. I guess part of me thought I would be letting everyone down or that some might say "Well, I didn't even think you COULD run 13.1 anyway..." (not that anyone in my life would say that to me). I made a decision for myself and it was a smart one. I immediately signed up for a 1/2 in September and notified the OKC Memorial staff that I would be running the 5K instead of the 1/2 on 4/25. So, I'm not giving up on my 1/2 marathon goal...just giving it a few more months!

Whew! I feel better now...I have been running purely for hobby and fun lately and I love it. I'm excited about running the 5K on Sunday because it's such a great cause. This past Monday marked the 15th anniversary of the OKC bombing...on Sunday, I'll be running for those who cannot.


3 Things

I'm addicted to lately:
Bodycology vanilla body mist, Monk reruns, and avocados.

Just thought you should know...


Have a Blessed Easter!

Christ has died. No longer will we be burdened with sin. In the mystery of God’s design, Christ’s death won our salvation. Because he died, we are forgiven.

Christ is risen. No longer will we be separated from God. In Christ God has reconciled us unto God. Because Christ is risen, Christ is a constant presence in the lives of those who believe in him and trust in him for their salvation.

Christ will come again. No longer will we live without hope. Because Christ is coming again, we know that the forces of wickedness will be vanquished once and for all time. Because Christ is coming again, all the faithful will one day be gathered with him in the heavenly kingdom.


The Zany Life

I haven't posted in a while...but here is the scoop:

I must have been insane to think that working full-time, taking a full load of classes at OU, and training for my first 1/2 marathon were all a good idea...AT THE SAME TIME. My days have been hectic to say the least. But I am doing my best to stay ahead of the game.

Training has been so-so this week...I took off EIGHT days of running and finally hit the pavement last night (a few days of feeling ill + an overwhelming amount of homework nearly knocked me out of kilter). I was tired and those days off really hurt my progress. I could barely manage 2.5 miles. Plus the Oklahoma winds were up to 35-40 mph and it was crazy! Spring is definitely here and the temps have been a lot warmer. So, I'm still trudging along...hoping for at least a 6-miler this weekend.

The big race is in 23 days!!!!!!