
Things I should do more often #2


Plain and simple. I long to be more flexible and lean, but have shied away from yoga in the past. I have downloaded 3 sessions from yogadownload.com, a 20-minute session, a 30-minute session, and a 45-minute session. So far I've done the 20-minute session. I enjoyed it, and even though I love Warrior pose, it had my thighs burning! It's a good thing, though.

Because I've been feeling down lately about my running (more on that later), I've realized I need to incorporate new, fun, and challenging things into my fitness routine. More cycling, yoga, and weight training are in order for sure. Swimming is also on that list (and has been for years) but I really need to join a gym and learn the proper form. I can swim, sure...but when it comes to hard-core freestyle, I cannot do it. I have TONS of long, thick hair and have never successfully gotten it all into a swim cap. I tend to swim crooked and have never invested in swim goggles. Plus, I may be fit as a runner, but when it comes to the cardiovascular aspect of swimming, I come up gasping for air after very little effort!

So, my ultimate yoga goal is to be able to execute a beautiful Natarajasana.

1 comment:

Linda said...

Good for you for doing yoga and boy wouldn't it be great to do that pose! Hey maybe we should try Zumba for something new at the Y...