
Wanna get long and lean??

It's a product review by Yours Truly! Financially, this DVD was only $6.99. But for my physical and spiritual health, it was a huge investment! I don't usually like exercise videos, but I highly recommend it. My local library allows you to check out various DVD's for 7 days. It's a great way to try out an exercise DVD before you decide to buy it! So I checked out a few and found this one to be exactly what I needed. Strength training can really help out with my running. And you can't beat a $7 DVD from Amazon!

The Trainer's Edge: Integrated Strength Training
Total time: 45 minutes (the workout itself, from warm up to cool down is 40 minutes)
Product Description Integrated Strength Training utilizes a series of exercises that work both upper body and lower body muscles simultaneously, maximizing the efficiency of the workout while burning calories and increasing lean muscle tone.

Equipment needed: 1 – 2 lb. hand weights, floor mat

What I really like about this workout is that you can increase (or decrease) your weights...after 2 weeks I'm already moving up to 5 - 8 lb. hand weights. There are no awkward moves or difficult poses. It's a simple workout that works the major muscle zones while making you sweat!

I just finished this workout...I feel faboo! Now I'm off to make this super yummy summer dish and enjoy the rest of my evening!

1 comment:

Linda said...

Gosh maybe I could borrow it sometime? :)

I love that pasta dish--there's something so satisfying about pasta & veggies. Do you have the red pepper flakes? If not, I'll give you some!