

Alas, I did not run the 10k last Saturday. For 4 straight days I followed the R.I.C.E. method for healing my shin splint. I kept an Ace bandage on it and iced it several times a day. Friday night I picked up my race packet just in case I was able to run...I got on the treadmill and walked cautiously for about 15 minutes. Unfortunately the pain was still very real. I was pretty grumpy for most of the weekend and may have indulged in a bit too much of chocolate and pizza.

But this is a new week! Last night I followed my regular weekly workout schedule and did 5 miles of indoor cycling plus my weights/abs workout. And it felt great!!!! So far so good with my right leg. Tonight is supposed to be a 4-miler on the trails but I'm just going to take it slow and steady. I'm hoping for no pain at all but we shall see. My next race is the Run the Boulevard 5k which will be an easy, fun run later in the month. But the 1/2 marathon looms, closer and

In other news...despite the massive downpour we received yesterday, the weather has been beautiful. Spring is definitely making her way to our fine state. I even have some pretty yellow daffodils blooming in the yard. Hello, sunshine, and welcome back!!

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