
Ingredient Lists

I've been trying to eat more "clean" the last week or so and that means inspecting food labels a lot more. Usually I just scan the calories, fat, fiber, protein, and sodium counts, but now I'm scouring over the ingredient lists. Most everyone knows that the shorter the list, the more healthy or natural the product is. Ever noticed how small the ingredient list is and how you practically need a magnifying glass to read it????

For the last year I've been buying reduced-fat peanut butter. I use it mainly for toast or on bananas as a pre-run snack. This afternoon around 4:30 I cut up a banana at work and grabbed my peanut butter from my desk drawer. It's Peter Pan reduced-fat creamy...I read the ingredient list and was really grossed out.

First of all, the second (yes, #2 after peanuts) ingredient says "corn syrup solids." After all the talk of trans fat, I know this is not a positive, healthy, NATURAL ingredient. Further, several ingredients have an asterisk next to them. At the end of the list, the asterisk items are described as "ingredients not in regular peanut butter." Ergo, it's not natural!!

I've decided that "reduced-fat" isn't as important as organic or natural. After all, healthy eating involves moderation, not necessarily skimping on the true good stuff from nature. So, next on the grocery list is a healthier peanut butter!


LadyJayPee said...

Good ON ya! I grew up on Adams, so I get that, but it may not be sold in your area; the only ingredients are peanuts & salt, and I think it's even sold w/o salt. You have to stir it because the oils rise to the top, but you only have to do that once and then refrigerate it. Yum! Running to the kitchen for some toast with PB! :)

Linda said...

You know my favorite has always been JIF, but I did buy some organic, natural PB at Whole Foods. Stirring up the oil isn't fun, but I agree--it's so much better to know that what you're eating is the real thing. I think you've got the right attitude, and it's inspiring!

What a Dish! said...

I'm glad- I love natural PB too. It is a pain to stir the oil when you open a new bottle, but it's so yummy and you know it's healthier. I use it in baking and it works just fine too.