
THE smoothie

I make this smoothie for breakfast at least 3-4 times a week. I used to make it with store-bought OJ, but I've found it only takes a little bit longer to use fresh oranges and it's SO WORTH IT. It's got a gazillion servings of fruit in it and starts off the day right. Okay, so it only has about 4-5 servings of fruit but that is a lot for one glass! My mom used to make these when we lived in Kingwood (TX) for a post-run snack or dinner. I usually have it on the way to work (during my 7-minute drive) and then at work I have a protein bar or cereal. Running and training means I have to eat a lot in the morning!

Mom's Post-Run Smoothie
(makes 1 huge glass)
1-1 1/2 c frozen strawberries (I usually buy 4-5 bags at a time!)
1 very ripe banana (the more ripe, the sweeter the smoothie)
4-5 small navel oranges (I buy navel because they are sweet and easy to juice--usually come in a bag at the store)

Place strawberries and banana in the blender. For the juice, I just use a cheap little hand juicer with a built-in strainer (probably bought it at Wally for $3). I not only dump the juice in the blender but any and all pulp that gets in the strainer part. I usually use enough juice to almost cover the fruit in the blender. Then just blend on high until it is all smooth! I don't like any chunks in my smoothies so I make sure it's smooth. Other than getting strawberry seeds stuck in your teeth, this is easy, delicious, and healthy!! Thanks, Mom!!

(please disregard the ugly water spots on my glass!!)

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