
I love Friday!

Wow, has today been a productive or what?! I took the day off work and got so much stuff done. I chatted with an old friend back in Kingwood (Miss Karen), said hello to Grandma Ruby at Mom and Dad's house, and then went with the two of them to run some errands. Later, Mom and Dad helped me with a few things in the backyard and then I spent almost 2 hours doing yard work. What an amazing way to get exercise...and accomplish something! It felt good to be out there taking care of business. But boy was I beat when it was done. I showered and settled in for a nice, quiet evening. Mom brought me some goodies from the Co-op!! Yummy strawberries from a local farm (which I marinated in some balsamic vinegar for dessert later), baby squash and radishes! I love yellow squash and I have found that the smaller they are, the better they taste. Here are the strawberries all cleaned!And the beautiful squash and radishes...And here is dinner! A big spinach salad with radishes, cherry tomatoes, red bell pepper, some pinto beans and a homemade parmesan vinaigrette, with a side of sauteed squash! I almost always make squash the same way: brown it with about 1/2 T unsalted butter and 1/2 T evoo, kosher salt, pepper and a splash of white wine. Oh, and I am trying a glass of a new German wine that my favorite wine guy recommended at the liquor store down the road. I couldn't even finish all of my salad!! I am very satisfied, very happy and very tired.

If I can stay awake long enough, I'm thinking tonight of either a movie (I rented 4) or a book (I've got 2 new ones to choose from). Tomorrow morning is my long run (can't wait to try out my new Garmin that came today!!), later in the evening I am going to a BBQ with some people from work, Sunday I'm headed to Mom and Dad's for grilling and chillaxing on the deck (and looking at the new fence!). Monday is up in the air! But it promises to be a great holiday weekend...and I'm already off to a terrific start!

Be safe,

1 comment:

Linda said...

We had a good day too--just the kind of day I like! Your dinner sounds SO good. I think I'll make my squash tomorrow using your recipe. The wine sounds really good too.

Great pics!