
I'm a little bit obsessed...

...with this man.

He is a brilliant actor and I adore watching him on TV and in films. I am currently in a phase of watching everything he has ever been in (can you say fanatic?). He is apparently known in the acting community as being "the actor's actor" because of his wide range of work and versatility. He gained a record 70 pounds for his role as Private Pyle in one of my all-time fav movies Full Metal Jacket. For cryin’ out loud even Renee Zellweger thanked him in her 2003 Oscar speech! This guy is the shizzle.

Ok, so not only is he a great actor, but he is a bona fide stud in my book. Physically, he is everything I could ever want in a man. He's so damn sexy.
Is it hot in here??

Go watch Vincent. Must watch Vincent. I love you Vincent.



Anonymous said...

Oh stop it. The real actor's actor is the sergeant from FMJ.


Jenni said...

Me love you long time!

Linda said...

???what are my kids talking about? They've always had their own language. :-)