
A Runner in Training: Breakfast

I call it my mega-breakfast. It's very filling and healthy. I don't eat this every morning, but at least 3 times a week. I sometimes have it for dinner!

1 egg
1 egg white
I whisk these 2 together with a pinch of kosher salt and a splash of milk (I think the milk really makes them fluffier). I scramble them over medium to medium-high heat but don't really mess with them much. Near the end of cooking, I toss in some cheese and fresh salsa.1 Oroweat sandwich thin
1/4 c reduced-fat cheese
1/2 c fresh salsa
1 banana, cut into bite-sized pieces
1-2 T reduced-fat peanut butter

Notice the brown spots on my eggs?? Jenbob likes her eggs very well done ("George likes his chicken spicy!"--name that sitcom--). They are done on the outside but fluffy, creamy, and cheesy on the inside. While the eggs cook I toast a sandwich thin and either slice up a banana with pb OR I make a protein shake (1 scoop chocolate protein + 1 c low-fat milk). I top the toasted bread with the egg/cheese/salsa mixture and fold it over to make a massive sandwich. Delish. Keeps me full for at least 4 hours.

Total meal ~ 400 cal, 12 g fat, 10 g fiber, 26 g protein
(This may seem like a lot of fat to most of you...but remember, I am training hard and exercising 6-7 days a week. Most of the fat comes from the cheese and the peanut butter, but they also have the protein that I need to sustain my workouts)

1 comment:

Linda said...


LOL at "Jenbob" :))