
Just say no to Sea World

Here is the headline from this article: "Do 'Killer Whales' belong in theme parks?"


The answer is no. And the sooner people realize this, the better. Leave these animals in their natural habitat. The only time we need to intervene is when we can offer positive care (i.e. if one washes up onshore and we may help it back to the water).

I am sorry for the trainer's family for their loss. But it's about time Sea World was shut down and learned that there is NO NEED to train whales (or dolphins for that matter) to act like dogs.

Just my opinion.


LadyJayPee said...

I wholeheartedly agree. They're "righteously" saying the whale will not die as a result of this trainer's death, but the righteous thing would be to let the whale back out into the wild where it belongs, rather than forcing it to live out its life in a tank.

Queen B. said...

awful, I know!

Meredith said...

You're really right. Shoot. I was really looking forward to taking P to Sea World, but now I'll feel like a jackass if I do. Having a conscience is hard, huh?!