
Cleo Lady Marmalade

This is Cleo. She is my other kitty and Charli's sister (not really, though they are the same breed and live under the same roof). As I've said before, Cleo is a little more independent than Charli. She likes her space most of the time, but when it's snuggle time she's all over me. I found Cleo in 2000 outside of a Taco Cabana. I was ordering some (horribly bad-for-you) food and kept hearing tiny mewing coming from the bushes. Sure enough there was a little scrawny kitty in there and she was hungry. I could see the mommy-cat in another area and I had a feeling she was trying to wean baby Cleo. I asked the nice lady at the drive-thru if she wouldn't mind coming to catch the little kitty for me...after all, she smelled of meat and grease so it was more likely a hungry cat would approach her. The mission was a success and I officially adopted Cleo that night. We have been happy ever since.

Cleo wants what she wants when she wants it (what woman doesn't). But Cleo likes to make sure I know when she is in need of something. For instance, lately Cleo has been jumping up on my dresser around 3:00-4:00 AM. She then proceeds to 'bat' any piece of jewelry, hair clip or make-up brush off the dresser and onto the hardwood floor. Needless to say she succeeds in getting my attention. Besides being in the spotlight, Cleo enjoys catnip mice, stalking and killing bugs, and playing with Charli.

During the winter Cleo always sleeps on the bed with me and Charli. But for now she has been content to sleep on the computer chair in the study. She always greets me when I come home after work. Pretty, green-eyed Cleo. She's my sweetheart.

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