
A first lesson in the art of Jenni-isms

Jenni-ism (jen-ee-izm): noun
A theory or statement made by Jenni that often misses the mark (but is cute and charming nonetheless).

Some examples of a Jenni-ism include (but are certainly not limited to):
"Accident Investigation Site"
You know those signs on the highway? Well, I thought they were used to describe an area where several accidents had taken place. Makes sense, right? Perhaps it was a warning sign to be more careful. WRONG!

"Radar Enforced"
A sign like this was placed near the entrance of my old hometown in Kingwood, Texas. I thought for sure that this meant radar detectors were strongly recommended. I kid you not. Again, not totally idiotic, but just not quite right.
There are many more, but a lady does not reveal all of her secrets at once! Now, don't get me wrong...I'm not stupid. I do not channel Jessica Simpson or Paris Hilton. As you can see in the "About Me" section, I'm actually quite the nerd. But a good life is full of Jenni-isms and they are part of what makes me, well, ME! My mom created the name many, many years ago and it suits me fine. It's all part of the charm...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I could list many Jenni-isms but I'll let Jenni do it. Her Mom and I have plenty of laughs when we happen to think of some of the Jenni-isms that date back to when she was very little.

Great site Little Girl!