
Has it been 20 years?? D'oh! I feel old...

Tonight marks the 20th anniversary of The Simpsons!! Whoo-hoo!

I remember the last day of 8th grade (1990?) when I wore a pair of Simpsons boxer shorts over a pair of biker shorts (how stylish was I?). I've seen every episode and can't believe they are still on the tube, making us laugh.

So, to commemorate the occasion, I've decided to list five of my favorite Simpsons episodes. And, yes, in case you are wondering...I can tell you what happens in the episode within the first 3 minutes (other shows with which I have this ability: Seinfeld, King of the Hill, Family Guy, Will & Grace, Golden Girls, Designing Women, etc). Am I talented? Yes. Do I watch too much TV? Double yes.

On with the shows...

1) "One Fish, Two Fish, Blowfish, Blue Fish" (Season 2)
After eating everything on the menu at House of Sumo, Homer eats what he thinks was a poisonous blowfish. Dr. Hibbard tells him he has 22 hours to live (24 hours minus the 2-hour wait in the doctor's office). Homer lives what he thinks are his last hours on Earth, trying to be a good father and husband. When he realizes the next morning that he is still alive, he vows to live life to the fullest by "watching a bowling tournament and eating pork rinds." Mmmm...hog fat.

2) "Pygmoelian" (Season 11)
Moe realizes how ugly he is and decides to get plastic surgery. He becomes a soap opera star only to have a piece of the set fall on his face, thus making it look the way it did before surgery.

3) "Lisa's Rival" (Season 6)
Lisa has to deal with a new student who is as smart as she is (Allison, a.k.a Winona Ryder). At the "Diorama-Rama" Lisa tells Bart to sabotage Allison's project but later feels guilty. Lisa and Allison eventually become friends after both losing to Ralph Wiggum (who won with Star Wars figurines still in the packages). Best quote of the episode by Ralph: "My cat's breath smells like cat food."

4) "Bart's Girlfriend" (Season 6)
Meryl Streep voices the seemingly perfect daughter of Reverend Lovejoy, Jessica. Bart falls hard for her and Jessica likes Bart because she sees him as a bad boy. Together they wreak havoc on the town and Bart realizes Jessica is more of a troublemaker than he is. I just LOVE Streep's voice, all airy and breathy. The lady is dead on when it comes to comedy (case in point, this movie).

5) "Homer, Bad Man" (Season 6)
Marge and Homer attend a candy convention (Hello? I want to go to one of these!!) and hire a babysitter for the kids while they are gone. At the convention, Homer steals the prized Gummy Venus but later loses it. While driving the babysitter home he spies it on her rear end as she gets out of the car. When he reaches for it, she thinks he is sexually harassing her. A public outcry ensues and Homer is interviewed for a tabloid show which totally makes him out to be a pervert. In the end Groundskeeper Willie saves the day with a video of what actually happened that night.



Linda said...

How hilarious! I can't believe you remember such detail. I can't remember any of them, but now I wanna see 'em!

Jenni said...

I know you and Dad will probably never play that trivia game again after NYE. But I am dying to answer all the TV questions!! I heart useless information!