
"Winter Storm 2010"

Well, at least that is what the media has dubbed it. I don't always take what the Oklahoma news says seriously as they tend to blow it out of proportion (with the exception of our last blizzard). But ice and snow are on the way and the temp has dropped significantly. Oh, well...those days of temps in the 60's were nice while they lasted. I have to remember we ARE still in the middle of winter! My only fears are a) my car sliding out of control on ice, and b) the power going out at home. Other than that I've got the DVR, movies, books, and plenty of school work to do. Plus there's always the treadmill staring me in the face...

Stay safe and warm!!


Linda said...

We'll come & get you if your power goes out!

Meredith said...

Yikes! Take care of yourself and stay warm!